Full Text of President Xi's Speech at SCO Summit

Qingdao, 10 June 2018. Dear colleagues, In this lovely season of June, I am delighted to welcome all of you to the picturesque city of Qingdao for the 18th meeting of the Council of Heads of Member States of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO). Over 2,500 years ago, Confucius, the great Chinese philosopher, had this to say: "What a joy ...

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Xi stresses key role of green development

President Xi Jinping has outlined a new vision for the development of the Inner Mongolia autonomous region, calling for the region to prioritize ecological protection and green development, and strive to write a new chapter of Chinese modernization.

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Xi replies to letter from overseas students at Peking University …

Xi, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, made the remarks Monday in his reply letter to 45 representatives of overseas students from 32 countries who are studying at Peking University. "To understand today's China, one must understand the CPC," Xi wrote in the letter. "You mentioned that the CPC has ...

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Xi's speech hailed for drawing blueprint for Hong Kong's

President Xi's speech offered both encouragement and reassurance to Hong Kong, he noted. "With the valuable support from the central government, I am certain that valuable opportunities for Hong Kong people and businesses will emerge, hence allowing Hong Kong to make positive strides towards emerging as an even stronger and more …

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Xi Măng Portland Là Gì ? Các loại Xi Măng Pooc Lăng Hiện …

Xi măng poóc lăng hay còn goi là xi măng Portland là hỗn hợp thông dụng làm chất kết dính thủy, được sản xuất bằng phương pháp nghiền mịn hỗn hợp clinker xi măng poóc lăng kèm với một lượng thạch cao nhất định và các phụ gia khác. Xi măng portland là loại vật liệu ...

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Traditional Chinese Medicine: Leveraging Unique Strengths …

On June 6, 2020, President Xi Jinping delivered a keynote address at a symposium of experts and scholars in which he emphasized that the simultaneous and integrated use of Chinese and Western medicine has been a major highlight of the fight against the Covid-19 epidemic, as well as a vivid representation of how traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) …

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Xi stresses drawing strength from CPC history to forge ahead …

BEIJING -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, on Friday stressed bearing in mind the course of the Party's struggles, shouldering the historic mission and drawing strength from the Party's history to forge ahead. Xi, also Chinese president and chairman of the Central Military Commission, …

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Third volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China

The third volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" attracts many readers in Hefei Xinhua Bookstore on June 30, 2020. The third volume of "Xi Jinping: The Governance of China" has been available in east China's Anhui province since Tuesday. The book was jointly compiled by the State Council Information Office, the Institute of …

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News analysis: What to expect from Xi-Biden meeting and …

All eyes are on the U.S. city of San Francisco for a key Asia-Pacific meeting and a meeting between the leaders of the world's two largest economies.Chinese President Xi Jinping is set to be in the city from November 14 to 17 for a China-U.S. summit meeting and the 30th APEC Economic Leaders' Meeting, China's Foreign Ministry announced on …

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Quotable quotes from Xi Jinping's report to 20th CPC …

Xi Jinping delivered a report to the 20th CPC National Congress on behalf of the 19th CPC Central Committee on Sunday. [Xinhua/Yue Yuewei] -- From this day forward, the central task of the Communist Party of China will be to lead the Chinese people of all ethnic groups in a concerted effort to realize the Second Centenary Goal of building …

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People's Concerns Always Come First – President Xi Jinping's …

Data from the National Energy Administration showed that China registered a steady growth in its installed capacity of renewable energy that totaled 1.06 billion kilowatts, accounting for 44.8 percent of the country's total installed power generation capacity, by the end of 2021. Last year, 2.48 trillion kWh of electricity was generated from ...

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Xi delivers video speech to CELAC 6th Summit, calls for

Xi pointed out that 10 years ago, CELAC was born under the efforts of Latin American and Caribbean countries to pursue independence and seek strength in unity, which was a milestone in the process of regional integration. In the past 10 years, CELAC has played an important role in maintaining peace and stability and promoting common development ...

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Xi's remarks on boosting global ecological civilization …

Aerial photo taken on Oct. 1, 2021 shows the scenery along the Fenhe River in Taiyuan, north China's Shanxi Province. (Xinhua/Cao Yang) April 20, 2021. When addressing the opening ceremony of the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2021, Xi called for efforts to strengthen cooperation on green infrastructure, green energy and …

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Báo cáo Công tác Chính Phủ

Một năm qua chúng tôi chủ yếu làm những công tác sau đây: I/ Tăng cường và cải thiện điều tiết vĩ mô, kiềm chế vật giá tăng quá nhanh, thực hiện kinh tế phát triển ổn định và khá nhanh. Chúng ta thực thi chính sách tài chính tích cực và chính ...

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Bộ trưởng Giao thông Vận tải In-đô-nê-xi-a đánh giá cao tiến …

Theo Tân Hoa xã: Ngày 28/1, tại ga Dekarur của tuyến đường sắt cao tốc Gia-các-ta -Băng-đung, Bộ trưởng Bộ Giao thông Vận tải In-đô-nê-xi-a Budi bày tỏ hy vọng các đơn vị thi công của In-đô-nê-xi-a và Trung Quốc tiếp tục cố gắng, thúc đẩy tuyến đường sắt cao tốc Gia-các-ta -Băng-đung do Trung Quốc và In-đô-nê ...

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Chủ tịch nước Trung Quốc Hồ Cẩm Đào thăm Ma-lai-xi-a, Xin …

Sáng ngày 10, Chủ tịch nước Trung Quốc Hồ Cẩm Đào đã rời Bắc Kinh, bắt đầu chuyến thăm trong 6 ngày. Trước hết, Chủ tịch Hồ Cẩm Đào lần lượt thăm chính thức Ma-lai-xi-a và Xin-ga-po, hai nước thành viên quan trọng của ASEAN, sau đó tham dự Hội nghị Cấp cao APEC, tức Diễn đàn hợp tác kinh tế châu Á-Thái ...

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Amazing Decade Witnesses the Beauty of Xi'an

In the last decade, Xi'an has made steady progress in exploration and ushered in magnificent transformation with great efforts. As an international metropolis that has achieved leapfrog development in the fields of advanced manufacturing, opening up to the outside world, integration of culture and tourism, and sci-tech innovation, Xi'an is …

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Collection of Xi's diplomatic speeches published

Source: Xinhua Updated: . BEIJING -- The first and second volume of a collection of diplomatic speeches by Chinese President Xi Jinping has been published by the Central Party Literature Press. Compiled by the Institute of Party History and Literature of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the book …

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Tìm hiểu về xi măng pooc lăng và chuẩn loại hiện có trên thị …

Thành phần chủ yếu của xi măng này là clinker (chiếm 95 – 96%) và thạch cao (chiếm 4 – 5%). Các loại xi măng pooc lăng trên thị trường. Ngoài ra, khi cho thêm các chất phụ gia khác vào thành phần xi măng pooc lăng như: Tro than, xỉ lò cao, puzolan tự nhiên… sẽ cho ra sản phẩm là xi ...

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Dự án đường sắt cao tốc Xin-ga-po-Ma-lai-xi-a tiềm ẩn cơ hội …

Những ngày qua, Chính phủ Xin-ga-po và Chính phủ Ma-lai-xi-a đã ký thỏa thuận song phương có hiệu lực pháp lý về dự án đường sắt cao tốc Xin-ga-po-Ma-lai-xi-a. Theo mục tiêu xây dựng, 10 năm sau tuyến đường sắt cao tốc đầu tiên trong khu vực Đông Nam Á sẽ ra đời.

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Xi stresses better understanding Chinese civilization through …

BEIJING -- Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, has stressed developing archaeology to better understand the long-standing and profound Chinese civilization. Xi made the remarks Monday while presiding over a group study session of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee on the latest ...

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Xi encourages 'old friend' from Iowa to promote ties

President Xi Jinping has written to his "old friend" Sarah Lande, from Iowa, the United States, encouraging her to sow seeds of friendship to make new contributions to friendly exchanges between the Chinese and American people. After recently hearing from Lande, who received Xi in 1985 when he visited Muscatine, Iowa, Xi replied to her and ...

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Tổng thống Nga Pu-tin chỉ rõ chuyến thăm Đài Loan của bà Pê-lô-xi …

Theo tin Đài chúng tôi: Ngày 17/8, tại buổi họp báo thường kỳ, Người phát ngôn Bộ Ngoại giao Trung Quốc Uông Văn Bân cho biết, Trung Quốc đánh giá cao thái độ mới đây của Tổng thống Nga Pu-tin về chuyến thăm Đài Loan của bà Pê-lô-xi, thái độ này là sự thể hiện về hợp tác chiến lược trình ...

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Latest Issue

A Guiding Light for the Development of Modern Chinese Civilization. To promote Chinese modernization and create a new form of human advancement in the face of global changes unseen in a century, we must review our historical experience and explore approaches for the creative transformation and innovative development of China's traditional ...

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TCVN 6260:2009 Xi Măng POÓC LĂNG hỗn hợp

Xi măng poóc lăng hỗn hợp gồm ba mác PCB30, PCB40 và PCB50, trong đó: – PCB là ký hiệu quy ước cho xi măng poóc lăng hỗn hợp; – Các trị số 30, 40, 50 là cường độ nén tối thiểu mẫu vữa chuẩn ở tuổi 28 ngày đóng rắn, tính bằng mặt phẳng, xác định theo TCVN 6016:1995 (ISO ...

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Xi meets U.S. congressional delegation

BEIJING, Oct. 9 (Xinhua) -- Chinese President Xi Jinping met with the bipartisan delegation of the U.S. Senate led by Majority Leader Chuck Schumer at the Great Hall of the People on Monday. Xi underlined that the China-U.S. relationship is the most important bilateral relationship in the world. How China and the United States get along …

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Posters of 100 quotes from Xi to mark CPC centenary

The year 2021 marks the centenary of the Communist Party of China. We're publishing a series of posters to highlight 100 insightful quotes from President Xi Jinping to understand how the CPC rose to success and still maintains resilience after 100 years.

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Inspecting Sichuan, Xi stresses maintaining stable economic …

President Xi Jinping, also general secretary of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission, waves to villagers while visiting the village of Yongfeng in Meishan, southwest China ' s Sichuan Province .CHENGDU, June 9 - - President Xi Jinping stressed maintaining stable economic …

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